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Roberto Matta was one of the best-known painters from Chile. Though an architect by profession, he began painting in early 1930s while working as draughtsman in Paris and switched to surrealism by the middle of the decade. Initially, he called his surrealist paintings ‘psychological morphologies’. Later he changed the name to ‘inscape’ because he believed that his paintings were actually the landscape of his inner mind. However, he was never isolated from his surroundings. The Second World War and the subsequent political disturbances affected him so much that in 1950s and 1960s, his canvas began to be filled with paintings of distressed figures and machineries. At the same time, he was highly innovative. For example, in early 1960s he often used clay to give a new dimension to his paintings. A prolific worker, Roberto Matta kept on working almost till his death in 2002. His two major works, ‘Chaosmos’, installed in Viersen Sculpture Collection in Germany and his last painting ‘La Dulce Acqua Vita and La Source du Calme’ were completed in that very year.